March 4 and 11, March 25/26, 2023
HYBRID - Wheeling and Evanston, IL
You may participate in either one or both of the 2 remaining Journeys!
Register HERE!
Would you benefit from being less reactive in life & cultivating more neutral perspectives in challenging situations? Are you looking to expand intuition, to develop an Inner Knowing” that can help make life decisions beyond the intellect? Would you enjoy making new like-hearted friends?
Open to all sincere students of meditation, experienced or new meditators, seeking to immerse themselves in a transformative journey into a deeper level of awakening, healing & realization. If you have a different practice, this course can broaden your scope & understanding of meditation, open new doors of perception in your life and practice.
Classes are held in two locations:
March 4 and 11, 2023, Journey Two - Evanston, IL
March 25/26, Journey Three - Wheeling, IL