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Winter Solstice Healing Circle

Winter Solstice Healing Circle @Spirit Rising Yoga
We gather at Solstice time, to meditate, heal and energize
Saturday, December 21, 6-8 pm

By Donation & you can bring a vegetarian/vegan dish to share if you like!
RSVP by 12/19:

Spirit Rising Yoga invites you to honor the Winter Solstice energy by gathering for uplifting Kundalini Yoga & gong, a healing circle, followed by a community meal. May we share the light for ourselves and to those who are experiencing times of darkness.

Yogi Bhajan told us, “Rotate your life around Winter and Summer Solstices. These are very special times. There is a special connection between soul and the spirit, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth and the people of this planet Earth. We must know our inner peace and we must experience our inner peace.”

December 15

A Winter's Journey: Sound & Healing Gathering

December 22

New Moon Candlelight Kundalini Yoga & Gong