Teachers Training Manual Index Ma - Men
This section covers the Teachers Training Manual, Index Ma-Men, starting with the words Magnesium to Mental Refinement.
Magnesium, 167 Magnetic field, 27 Maha Mudra Kriya (The Great Seal of yoga), 231 Maha Shakti Kriya, 192 Mohabandh (Great Lock), 107, 10 Mahabharata, 43 Mahan Tantric (see also Yogi Bhajhan), 62, 139 Mahan jaap, 430
Majesty, the Science of, 324 standing with, 325
Mala, 137 meditation, 431
Male, acknowledgement, 233 control, 233 nature, 232 open communication, 23, track, 232
Man, 23 from boy to a, 232 the spiritual, 237
Manas, 43, 45, 120-21 Mangoes, 255 Manifestation Cosmic Law of, 124 Manipura, 185, 191-92
Mantra(s), 36, 66, 68-69, 105, 124 and the Third Chhakra, 192 Yoga 32, 35
MANTRAS: Aap Sahaee Hoa, 82 Ad Guray Nameh, 92 Ad Such, 82, 152, 432 Adays Tisai Adays, 82 Adi, 54, 78, 280, 413 Adi Shakli, 82, 152, 434 Ajai Alai, 83 Ajapa jap, 68 Aka!, 239 Ang Sang Wahe Guru, 82 Ardas Bhaee, 82 Ashtang, 68, 71, 215, 429 Bountiful, Blissful & Beautiful, 83 Chaitr Chakkr Varti, 83 Ohan Ohan Ram Oas Gur, 51, 83 Dhuni, 83 Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, 84, 424 Ek Ong Kar Sal Nam Siri Wohe Guru, 83, 152, 215, 429 Gobinday Mukunday, 84, 452 God and Me, Me and God, 301 Guru Guru Wahe Guru, 51, 84, 153 Har, 84, 439 Har Har Har Har Gobinday, 85 Har Har Mukunde, 85 Har Har Wahe Guru, 85, 451 Har Haray Hari Wahe Guru, 84, 438 Hari (Haree), 84 Har Singh Nar Singh, 85 Healthy am I, Happy am I, Holy am I, 85 Humee Hum Brahm Hum, 85 Humee Hum Too Hee Too, 85 Jap Man Sat Nam, 85 Long Chant, 429 Maha Mudra Kriya (The Great Seal of Yoga), 317 Mangala Charn Mantra, 82, 280 Morning Call, 429 Mul Mantra, 25, 80, 81, 85, 152 Ong Namo, 54, 78, 86, 280, 287, 413 Ong Sohung, 86 Pavan Guru, 86, 179,447 Prithui Hai, 86 Ra Ma Do So, 86, 422 Rakhe Rakhanlar, 86, 153 Sa Re Sa Sa, 86, 412 Sat Naam, 86, 428, 442, 449 5a-Ta-Na-Ma, 87, 425, 430, 435, 441 Sat Siri Siri Akal, 87, 152 Siri Gaitri Mantra, 422 Waah Yantee, 87 Wahe Guru, 51, 87, 442, 450 Wahe Guru Wahe jio, 87
Marjoriosana (Cat·Cow), 313, 331 Marriage, 236 Mars, 147 Massaging the Body, 247 Master, 222-23, 273-75 Master, Becoming the, 276 Maya, 43 Medical Conditions (of Students), 285
Meditation, 126-199 A Simple Process, 124 choosing a, 135 benefits of, 126 effects on pregnancy, 230 Focus, 136 for women, 237 how to meditate, 128 in a Class Setting, 283 keeping steady during, 135 minutes, 136 preparing for, 135 Sadhana, 136 Silent, 133 Tratakum (Gazing), 141,407,408 using Mantra for, 128, 138 using the Gong for, 137, 446 using the Mala for, 137, 431
MEDITATIONS Adi Mantra (Complete), 413 Adi Shakti Mantra (Long Chant), 83, 152, 215, 429 Antar Naad Mudra, 412 Awakening the Inner Healer, 415 Blue Gap Meditation, 417 Caliber of Life, 389 Composite Polarity, 94, 390 Divine Shield, 418 Divine Mother, 433 Ego, to Change, 399 Emotional Balance, 399 for a Calm Heart, 94, 395 For a Stable Self, 94, 401 Grace of God, 419 Gunpati Kriya, 420 Healing Addictions, 435 Healing Ring of Tantra, 421 I am Happy, 423 Inner Conflict Resolver, 292 lndra Nittri, 424 Laya Yoga Meditation, 338 Liberated Heart, 393 Mahan Jaap, 430 Mala, 431 Master's Touch, 432 Naad to Communicate Honest Self, 444 Naad to Communicate Totality, 443 Naad: Naam Namodam Rasa, 445 Open the Heart, 436 Parasympathetic Rejuvenation with Gong, 446 Pran Bandha Mantra, 447 Projection & Protection from the Heart, 428 Prosperity I, 438 Prosperity II, 439 Rejuvenation, 448 Self-Animosity, to Conquer, 397 Self-Assessment, 440 Self-Authority, 388 Self-Blessing Guidance, 441 Self-Sensory System, 398 Seven·Wave, 449 Stable Self, 94, 401 Stress or Sudden Shock, 442 Tratakum (Gazing), 141,407,408 Tattva Balance, 406 Venus Kriya 452 Meditative Mind, the 134 Mensturation, 286 Mental Body at Death, 239 Mental Clarity Seal of, 105 Mental Refinement, 46-47
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