Teachers Training Manual Index - Pos
This section covers the Teachers Training Manual, Index Pos, starting with the words Positive Mind to Yoga Mudra.
Positive Mind, 44, 201
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Triangle Pose), 321, 336, 349, 361, 373 Alternate Head & Leg Lifts, 370 Alternate Leg Lifts, 345 Alternate Shoulder Shrugs, 338, 361 Archer, 311, 340 Arm Pumps, 338, 365, 366 Arm Stretch, 365 Arm Swings, 365, 371 Baby Pose (Garbhasana), 311 , 370 Back Platform (Puruottanasana), 318, 357, 369, 376 Back Rolls, 311, 351, 369 Baddha Konasana(Butterfly Pose), 312, 364, 378 Basic Sitting, 103 Bear Grip, 106, 339, 360 Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), 313, 336,344, 364, 373,378 Boat Pose (Dvipada), 311 Body Drops, 350 Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), 312, 340, 368, 378 Bridge Pose (Setuasana), 312 Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana), 312, 363, 378 Buttocks Kicks, 378 Camel Pose (Ustrasana), 312, 377 Camel Ride (Spinal Flex), 320,339, 352, 362, 380, 384 Cat-Cow (Marjariasana),313,331,342,351,355,361, 362 Cat Stretch, 118, 313 Celibate Pose, 314, 377, 337 Chair Pose, 313, 390 Chaturanga Dandasana (Push Up), 336 Chest Stretch, 379 Cobra Pose (Bhugangasana), 313,336,344,364, 313, 378 Corpse Pose (Savasana), 117,314,326, 361, 364 Criss-Cross Arms, 372 Criss-Cross Legs, 371 Crow Pose, 314, 356, 357 Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), 312, 340, 368, 378 Dvipada (Boat Pose), 311 Ear Massage, 375 Ego Eradicator, 314, 337, 343, 373 E Elephant Walk, 361 Fish Pose (Supta Virasana), 3[5, 363, 377 Frog Pose, 314,338, 354,379 Front Bends (Ultanasana), 315, 336, 345, 363, 371, 373 Front Bend Bounce, 371 Front Life Nerve Stretch, 343 Front Platform, 318, 346 Front Stretch w/straight spine, 350 Garbhasana (Baby Pose), 311,372 Guru Pranam (Supta Paruatasana), 314, 34[, 377 Halasana (Plow Pose), 318-19, 332, 341, 377 Half Lotus Pose, 104 Headstand, 332 Heart Center Pull, 374 Heart Center Stretch, 347 Hero (Virasan/Warrior Pose), 326 Hugging Spinal Bend, 362 Kandharasana (Pelvic Lifts), 318,350, 355, 363 Kicking Buttocks, 346 Knee & Elbow Walk, 362, 376 Knees to Chest, 345 Kundalini Lotus (Urdhva-Mukha Prasarita Padottanasana), 315 Leg Lifts, 316, 340, 345, 364, 370, 371, 374 Leg Push-Pull, 346 Life Nerve Stretch (Front) (Paschimottanasana), 316, 341, 369 Life Nerve Stretch (Left and Right) (Upavisthr; Konasana), 316,341,343,344,363 Locust Pose (Saiabhasana), 317, 340 Lotus Pose (Padmasana), 103,326 Lotus Walk, 376 Lunge Stretch, 373 Maha Mudra Kriya, 317 Marjariasana (Cat-Cow), 313, 331, 342, 351, 355, 361,362 Mountain Pose (Standing Straight), 336 Moving Yoga Mudra with Breath of Fire, 372 Neck Rolls, 317, 339, 344, 360, 365, 370 Neck Turns, 332, 352 Nose to Knees, 341, 355 Padmasana (Lotus Pose), 103 Paschimottanasana (Life Nerve Stretch-Front), 316, 352, 365 Pelvic Lifts (Kandharasana), 318, 363, 355 Platform Pose (back) (Parvottanasana), 318, 357, 369, 376 Platform Pose (front), 318 Perfect Pose (Sidhasana), 103 Plow Pose (Ha/asana), 318, 332, 341, 377 Prabhupati, 146 Pumping the Stomach, 369 Purvottanasana (Platform Pose-back), 318, 332, 357, 369, 376 Rising up from the Knees, 374 Rock Pose (Vajrasana), 320, 373 Salabhasana (Locust Pose), 317, 340 Salamba Saruangasana (Shoulder Stand), 319 Sat Kriya, 319, 337, 341, 344, 348, 352, 379 Sauasana (Corpse Pose), 314, 326, 361, 364 Seluasana (Bridge Pose), 312 Shoulder Shrugs, 319, 338, 339, 361, 365, 367 Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana), 319, 332 Side Bends, 338, 359 Side Stretch, 357 Sidhasana (Perfect Pose), 103 Sit Ups with Legs Wide, 375 Sitting Bends, 319, 375 Sitting/Chair, 103 Spinal bend, 353 Spinal flex (Camel Ride), 320, 337, 339, 343, 352 Spinal Twists (Torso Twists), 320, 338, 339, 343, 362 Spinal Twist with Gyan Mudra, 362 Squats, 332 Standing Straight, 336 Standing Torso Twists, 359 Stretch Pose, 321, 337, 346, 368, 374, 377 Stretches, 332 Stretching Backward, 311, 340 Stretching Up, 336 Stomach, Pumping the, 369 Stomach Pumps, 369 Sufi Grind, 320, 364 Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar), 330, 336 Supta Parvatasana (Guru Pranam), 314, 341, 377 Supta Virasana (Fish Pose), 315, 368, 377 Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), 330, 336, 381 Tadasana (Standing Straight), 336 Throat and Neck Massage, 375 Torso Twists (Spinal Twists), 332, 367, 375 Torso Twists (Standing), 359 Triangle Pose, 321, 336, 349, 361, 373 Tree Pose (Vriksana), 321 Triangle Pose, 320 Upavislha Konasana (Life Nerve Stretch Left & Right), 316,337,341,344,343,346 Urdhvamukha Prasarita Padollanasana (Kundalini Lotus), 315 Upauistha Konasana (Life Nerve Stretch Left & Right), 316 Uslrasana (Camel Pose), 313, 340, 359, 363, 376-77 , Utlanasana (Front Bend), 315, 336, 345, 363, 371, 373 Vajrasana (Rock Pose), 320, 373 Virabhadrasana (Archer Pose), 311, 340 Virasan (Warrior/Hero) Pose, 326 Vriksana (Tree Pose), 321 Warrior (Virasan/Hero) Pose, 326 Wheel Pose, 368 Windmill, 321 Yoga Mudra, 372, 373, 357, 364
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