Teachers Training Manual Index U to Y
This section covers the Teachers Training Manual, Index U to Y, starting with the words Udana to Yugas.
Udana, 175 Uddiyana 8andh (Diaphragm lock), 107, 108, 329 Ultimate relaxation, 116 Union of opposites, 194 Upanishadic Epoch, 39 Upanishads, definition of, 43 Upavislha konasana (life Nerve Stretch left & Right), 316, 337, 341, 344 Upper Triangle, 186 Urdhva Mukha Prasarita Padotianasana (Kundalini Lotus), 315 Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Cobra Pose), 336, 344, 364, 373, 378 Ureters, 172 Urinary System, 172 Ustrasana (Cat-Cow), 313, 340, 359, 376, 377 Ultara MimamsQ (Vedanta), 42
Vaisheshika, 42 Vajrasana (Rock Pose), 320, 326 Varuna-granth, 212 Vastness, 186-194 Vata (Air), 252 Valskar Bieath, 97 Valskar Kriya, 302 Vaya-granlh, 212 Vayu Taltva, 210 Vayus, 174 Vedanta (Ullara Mimamsa), 42, 43 Vedas 39,43 Vedic Epoch, 38
Venus Kriyas, 140, 452 contraindicated for pregnant women, 286, 297
Venus Lock, 106 Vertebrae, 170 Vibhuti-Pada, 45 Vibrate, 72 Victory, Sacred Secret of, 243 Viksipta, 46 Virabhadrasana (Archer Pose), 336, 380 Vitamin E, 158 Virabhadrasana (Archer Pose), 311, 338 Virasan (Hero or Warrior Pose), 104, 326 Vishu, Knot of, 109 Vriksana (Tree Pose), 321 Vyama-granth
Waah Yanlee Manlra, 87, 152 Wahe Guru Mantra, 51, 87, 179, 214 Wahe Guru Wahe Jio Mantra, 87, 153 Warrior Pose, 326 Warrior, Spiritual, 191 Warm-up Exercises, 280,281,336,381 Water, 185, 210, 212 drinking before class, 300 Western Anatomy, 157-172 Wheat Germ, 158, 163 Wheel Pose (Urdhva Oanurasana), 321, 368 Whistle Breath, 97 White Tantric Yoga, 138 Whole Grains, 163 Windmill, 321, 338, 358 Winning Friends, Sacred Secret of, 243
Wisdom, 186, 194, 218, 219 fallacies on the path of, 223
Woman, 231 boys image of, 231 Grace of 230 male relationships with 237 meditations for 237
Word, the, 67, 186 Words, power of, 73-74
Yamas (Five Restraints), 44 Yantra, 124 Yantra Yoga, 35 Yellow Vegetables, 171 Yoga Alliance, 305 Anabhava, 35 Ashtanga, 35 Bhakti, 35, 229 Ohyana, 35, 44, 126 class structure, 280-283 community, 283 Eight Limbs of, 44 evolution of, 38 Guru, 32, 34, 35, 141 Gyan (Jnana), 34, 35 Hatha, 32, 33, 35, 36, 301, 302 Japa Yoga, 35-36, 68 Karma, 32, 34, 35 Kriya, 35, 100, 101, 102, 282 Kundalini (See Kundalini Yoga) Laya, 35 Mantra, 32, 35 Mudra, 357, 364, 372, 373 Nada, 35 nidra, /16 Pantanjali's School of, 42 pre-natal, 286, 287, 296, 297 practice, 208 Raj, 30, 32, 34, 35, 51 Raja, 32, 34,35 Sahej, 34, 35 Samkhya, 35, 42 Shakti, 34, 35, 36, 135 Siddha, 35, 60 Sutra, 43, 45-47 Tantra, 35, 36 Black, 138 Red, 138 White, 33, 35, 36, 138-3 Traatik, 35 Yantra, 35 Yogi, definition of, 266 Yogi Bhajan, 59-62 Yogic anatomy, 173-204 breathing, 327 diet, 251-260 lifestyle, 225, 245-250 sleep, 116
Yogurt, 163, 171, 255 Yogurt Curry Recipe, 259 Yoke, 14 Yugas (Sat, Kal, Doaper, Treta), 215-216
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