Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa Teaching Kundalini Yoga

This is a list of youtubes showing Gurmuk teaching Kundalini Yoga. There are youtubes in the Kundalini Yoga Kriya section and the Meditation section. Gurmukh's Bio on the Master Teachers Page

Intro to Kundalini Yoga with GURMUKH

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa and Project-Peace on Earth

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa describes how music can be a catalyst for world peace and the impact that Project-Peace on Earth can have on the world.

To Light your Intuition


Kundalini Yoga Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Meditation to develop intuition.

Unlock Your Unlimited Power

Heart - Clear Mind

Three part pranayama for clearing your mind and strengthening the heart.

"United We Stand" Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

Gurmukh - Monthly Yoga DVD - Trailer

"Yoga and Youth" Interview with Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Krishna Kaur " Hala Khouri

Sherry Beall and her guests share some inspirational ways to ring in the New Year and get through this time of great change. Sherry will be joined with 3 very special ladies on a mission. We'll discuss how to live a life of balance in Mind, Body, " Spirit, the importance of taking care of ourselves first and of also of helping others.

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, author " the co-founder and director of Golden Bridge, the premier center for the study and practice of Kundalini yoga and meditation in Los Angeles, CA.

Krishna Kaur: Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer for over 30 years is the Founder and Director of Y.O.G.A. for Youth and President of the International Association of Black Yoga Teachers.

Hala Khouri is a somatic counselor, yoga teacher and community activist. She is co-creator of a project called "Off the Mat, Into the World" - which aims at getting yoga practitioners active in their communities on a grass roots level.

Power of Prayer and Your Presents

Balancing and Breaking the Hypnotic Trance

16pt breath for health and balance

A 16 part breath pranayama to rebuild your health and creat balance in body and mind.

Have The Experience

Cross the World Ocean with Your Intuition

Develop Intuition to be able to swim the world ocean of life.

To Know the Unknown

Meditation to help develop intuition to know what is commonly unknown to the average person but can be known by anyone who practices these ancient teachings from India.

GKK Develop Human Kindnes

Practical meditation to develop human kindness Â

Balance The Heart Frequency

"Find Opportunity in this Crisis" Interview with Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

In today's ecological and financial climate, it seems natural to focus on the bad and forget about the good. Gurmukh, co-founder and director of Goldenbridge Yoga, will be speaking with Sherry Beall on how one can overcome the burdens of the physical world, and instead, focus on turning these times of crisis into a fantastic opportunity!


Gurmukh Teaches Kundalini Yoga Kriyas


Entering the Stream of Consciousness through the Yoga of Awareness