Winter Solstice 2020 Virtual Celebration Meditations
Sat Nam, We are celebrating Winter Solstice 2020 with these three powerful transformative meditations for 11 minutes each because this is the time of year for transition, welcoming the light. It is common globally in nearly all cultures and traditions to celebrate the Winter Solstice season, however it is named, solstice, Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas, Dong Zhi, and so on.
1. Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear the Karmas
Posture and Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Relax the elbows down by the sides and bring the forearms straight out in front of your body, palms flat and facing up. Have the palms slightly cupped and place them a few inches above the knees.
Movement: Bring the arms up, back behind head, stretching the hands and arms as far back over the shoulders as you can. Imagine you are scooping water, and throwing it through your arcline, over your shoulders, with a flick of the wrists. The movement is smooth and gracefully flows along with the lyrics and rhythm of the music.
Music: Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio by Giani Ji. On each "Wa-hay Guroo," as well as on the "Wa-hay Jeeo," do one complete round—scooping up, throwing over your shoulders, and come back to the starting position.
Eyes: Closed.
Time: 11-31 minutes.
To End: Inhale and stretch your hands back as far as possible, hands right behind your head, Posture for the Inhale must be correct. Hold for 10 -15 seconds. Exhale. Repeat 3 times total. Relax.
Comments/Effects: This meditation is for the arcline and to clear the karma that has been stocked up in it. You will experience what Wahe Guru actually means. It's just a hand of prayer. Remember, the power of Infinity is not outside of you, it is inside of you. When "I" and Infinity create impact, you'll become totally divine. Otherwise, there's a duality which keeps you away from reality, and the pain is humongous.
2. Air Tattva Meditation
Posture: Any relaxed, meditative posture with a straight erect spine.
Mudra: Gyan Mudra, Jupiter (index) finger and thumb together at the knees. Arms straight but relaxed.
Eyes: Closed and focused up toward the Third Eye Point
Mantra: Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru
Practice: Chant in a monotone. Repeat the mantra 5 times on each breath. Take a quick deep breath between chanting cycles. 3"11 minutes. For a longer sadhana, practice 108 repetitions in the Amrit Vela before the rising of the sun. For a profound experience of the miracles of this mantra, where even the karmas are cleared, practice 11 repetitions of the mala, that is, 11 cycles of 108 repetitions. For mental clarity, uplifted mood, and prosperity use the faster version of the mantra
For emotional clearing and calm depth use the slower version. Both will heal, expand, and help deal with the fast fickle mind that comes with the air tattva.
Comments: Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru has a simple meaning. It is designed to take you on a journey from the personal to the Infinite and back again. “Guru” is wisdom; that which transforms any kind of ignorance or block into light. “Gu” is darkness and “ru” means light. You start with a very personal wisdom as you chant “Guru”. When you repeat “Guru,” you expand that into experience. Then you say “Wahe Guru” and go beyond conscious knowledge and into the realm of the Infinite. Again, you chant “Guru” and begin bringing this same wisdom back into the world as “Ram Das,” the manifesting power of God coming into your life through service. The cycle is complete when you say “Guru” a final time. You are back where you started, but with the eyes of infinity and the heart of a healer filled with miracle and blessing such as Guru Ram Das was.
3. The Laya Yoga Kundalini Mantra
The Adi Shakti mantra, Ek Ong Kaar Sat Naam Siree Whaa-hay Guroo, is the foundation, the DNA of Kundalini Yoga. This practice is the Laya Yoga form of the Adi Shakti mantra, which takes us into a powerful mental suspension of our normal attachments and attentions so that we can dwell with the unseen within us.
The unseen is the source of the seen; the non-existent is the source of existence. The experience of Laya Yoga places you at the gateway between these two profound aspects of our Self. It connects your creativity to your actions. It keeps you in touch with your subtle body under every condition. It is energetic, joyful and a once profound secret is secret no more.
Ek Ong Kaar-(Ah) One Creative Consciousness in All Creation
Saa Taa Naa Maa(Ah) That Identity is Truth
Siree Whaa-(Ah) Hay Guroo Great Indescribable Wisdom
CHANT: On Ek pull in the navel and retain a slight pull of the Root Lock, releasing it on Hay Guroo.
On each [Ah] lift the diaphragm up firmly; this sound is a result of the powerful movement of the diaphragm rather than another spoken syllable in the mantra. It marks the pull of the diaphragm with each of the three cycles of sound.
When you say, Hay Guroo, the navel and abdomen relax.
VISUALIZATION: As you chant the mantra, visualize the sound spinning up the spine. Mentally guide the energy of the chant in a 3-1/2 turn spiral, from the base of the spine to the top of the spine. As you chant, imagine energy and sound spiraling up and around the spinal cord in a helix formation. Start at the base of the spine as you initiate the energy from the navel; move the energy in a counterclockwise direction around the spine and up the chakras with each cycle of the mantra; end with Hay Guroo, as the last ½ spiral takes the sound up and out the Crown Chakra to infinity. Mool Bandh is applied as you say Ek and kept slightly applied throughout the chant.
Hints for Practice and Mastery
The sound becomes a flow. It gradually and naturally builds up a tremendous amount of energy. As you listen to the sounds you chant, suspend yourself within the rhythm. Laya means the suspension of the ego as your consciousness dwells in the Infinite. The pace is about one cycle every 5 seconds. In some classes the energy builds, and the speed of the chant and the pitch of the sounds rise together, without any effort. Typically, the pace and sound elevate after 11 to 15 minutes to about 4 seconds per repetition, then again during the final 5-7 minutes to about 3.3 to 3.5 seconds per repetition. You immerse and become lost in the energy, flow and bliss of the sound and the experience of the inner light.
We don’t simply say the sounds. Keep your mind focused on it. Sense the shifts of energy and let the rhythmic pulse of the chant vibrate every cell of your body. The sound is a pulse of the infinite creation. It is everywhere. You are equally saying and receiving; speaking and being spoken. Be aware of the sounds. Become aware that you are aware of the sounds. Sense the impact of the sound and the expanded movement of your mind as negative thoughts and habits dissolve. As barriers drop, sense your still presence amid the circumfluent sensations and feelings.
© 3HO. These kriyas courtesy of YB Teachings, LLC. Used with permission.