A great accurate source for Kundalini Yoga Kriyas
Kundalini Yoga is known for the immediate experience of calmness, vitality and connection with more than our thoughts. For many students including those who have practiced other forms of yoga, Kundalini Yoga feels like the next step in their spiritual growth. More than a few talk about it like they are coming home!
We practice the Kriyas as they are taught, not adding or subtracting. This is the reason Kundalini Yoga is so effective, even for beginners. The combinations of postures, breath, and the other components of each kriya. A Kriya in Kundalini Yoga can be a series of postures or one posture also with a combination of breath, mantra and mudra.
We welcome you to attend classes at Spirit Rising Yoga or call to discuss your experience with Kundalini Yoga. Please keep in mind although these Kriyas provide detailed instructions anexperienced teacher can raise the bar for the details and nuances of the Kriyas.
The 3HO website has a wonderful page that has a variety of Kriyas that are tried and true! The link below will open to many wonderful practices.
Remember to always chant "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" before you begin to practice.